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3 years 7 months ago

Marketing and Sales

The Presentation on Marketing and Sales is available on the Resource section of the website which is accessible to registered companies

3 years 7 months ago

First of all, when I signed in on the website, I received a conformation email about our sign up yet when I go on the website it still asks me if I wish to register and I cannot see our name on the page that details that showcases which groups are participating.

​If you look at the website page and at the top righthand corner, you'll see there is a "Log-on" word, just click on that with your original details you registered and you'll then get the options to add student names, address & link teachers' detail and then have access to the Resources pages.

3 years 7 months ago

Thank you for getting in touch and asking the questions.

1. For the zoom on Tuesday, does the whole group have to attend or just one person? Also, is there a specific time for each role to go into the zoom or does one person have to watch the whole thing until they talk about their role?

All the 4 Seminars are at 5_15pm till 6pm.

We highly recommend that you have a person representing your Company at each one.

Read the overview and this will help who needs to attend each one.

These will be LIVE conference calls with opportunity to ask questions.